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P-198aa, acrylic / canvas, 1977, 110cm x 110cm, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart
About the algorithm:
All the artworks in this series of programs consist of a 3x3 grid
in each of which a cube at a random rotation
is clipped by the
square window formed by the cube at the 0,0,0 degree rotation.
There are 3 variations of the program, (P199AII, P199AI, P198):
- cubes at random rotations cut by the square window.
- cubes at random rotations cut by the square window
and cut vertically through the zero point with each side having a different random rotation.
- cubes at random rotations cut by the square window and
cut in the z-axis (depth) through it's zero point, front and back distinguished
by thick and thin lines (image above).
First published:
Drawings from these programs were first published in:
Catalog Manfred Mohr, Cubic Limit II, Dessins Génératifs, Galerie Weiller, Paris, 1977
© 1977 by Manfred Mohr