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P-52, "quark lines", plotter drawing ink on paper, 50cm x 50cm, 1970
© 1970 by Manfred Mohr
About the algorithm:
A set of random points above a horizontal line are connected and then
in defined steps linearly transformed to their positions on a horizontal line.
This is repeated in the reverse manner to form each of the eight bands.
First published:
Catalog Manfred Mohr, "Computer Graphics,
Une esthétique programée", ARC - Musée d'Art Moderne, Paris, 1971
(catalog and show)
About the work:
A drawing from this program is in the collection of the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Holland
A drawing from this program is in the collection of the Museum Abteiberg, Sammlung Etzold, Mönchengladbach, Germany
On further analyse, drawings from this algorithm are related to my 1969 computer generated random number collages, wrt to the reflection around the horizontal zero line and varying random heights of the points.