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Centre Culturel du Marais, Paris, October 1976

Exhibition: CONTRASTES

In this contribution by Manfred Mohr to the show, a cube with a random rotation is drawn and transformed successively into a cube with a different rotation by replacing the 12 lines of the first cube, one by one, with their new rotated positions from the second cube.
The transformation is drawn on folding and sprocketed paper from a CDC high-speed line printer.

The following photos were taken expressly for this website from the original 1976 wall hanging.

Click on an image below to get a more detailed version

Global view

cube 1: edges 12 to 9
cube 2: edges 0 to 3

cube 1: edges 9 to 6
cube 2: edges 3 to 6

cube 1: edges 6 to 2
cube 2: edges 6 to 10

cube 1: edges 3 to 0
cube 2: edges 9 to 12

This program was later realized as a series of individual drawings

© 1976 by Manfred Mohr