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Relief 14/268
Bild 26/1168

Bild 16/369
Bild 16/469

Bild 11/567
Bild 12/567

Bild 10/267
Bild 16/167

Bild 3/768
Bild 3/1267

Bild long, ca. 3 meters, 1968

4 Collages, 1967

2x2, series of 4 silkscreens 1968
Untitled, Lithography 1967

Leser 1 1966-1967
Interactive Sound Sculpture
Artificiata I, visual poetry artist book 1969 Konkreter Text 1967
Painting with 3 exchangeable parts


Exhibition Manfred Mohr: installation views at Galerie Obere Zäune (AnneMarie Verna), Zürich 1969

Collages, Paintings and Drawings from 1967 in the exhibition "The Algorithm of Manfred Mohr", ZKM, Karlsruhe, June 8 - Sept 1 2013
(more photos from the ZKM exhibition)

Hard Edge Paintings

Workphase catalog:
Manfred Mohr, "signes géométrique", Galerie Templon, Paris 1968
(Cimaise Bonaparte, Paris, 1968 - Opening delayed and gallery renamed due to May 1968 uprising)
(catalog and show)