Manfred Mohr "Cubic Limit, Generative Drawings, Part II Travaux de 1975-1977", 1977
Galerie Weiller, Paris, France, 18 Octobre - 19 Novembre 1977
This workphase contains work from 1975-1977
Work from this workphase was shown at Manfred Mohr's one-person exhibitions:
- Galerie Edith Wahlandt, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany, 5. Apr - 8. May, 1977
- Galerie Pierre Weiller, Paris, France, 18. Oct - 19. Nov, 1977
- Galerie Heinz Teufel, Cologne , Germany, 7. Apr - 9. Jun, 1978
- Galerie S:t Petri, Lund, Sweden, 15. Nov - 13. Dec, 1978
- In this workphase Manfred Mohr continues using the 3-D cube as a fixed structure.
- This workphase contains works from 1975-1977.
- This catalog introduces windowing, clipping, and cutting into Manfred Mohr's work. The clipping of the cube creates the tension between the independent rotations along the cut-line.
- The first part of this catalog continues to use the lines of the cube as an alphabet: subsets of the cube are added up to form larger subsets, lines are summed up to create thicker lines,
transformations from one cube to another are shown.
- The next part of the catalog extends the lines of the cube to fixed points along a larger structure and then rotates the cube holding
these outside points fixed
- The last part of the catalog cuts the cube by its frontal square window (0,0,0 rotation of the cube), seperating the structure into inside and outside lines. The cubes are also cut by horizontal, vertical or planes in the Z direction while showing 2 independent rotations of the cube in each half. Long series of these
windowed and cut rotations are shown. The tension of the rotation along the cut-line are made visible in these series.
- In this period, Manfred Mohr returned to making paintings as well as the drawings from his computer generated work. He also made transformations of texts and graphics from one text or object to another, on among other materials sprocketed printer paper. He also wrote some programs for
cylindrical, pyramidal and conical anamorphoses projections associated with an exhibition in a museum.
Exhibition catalog (french, german, english)
