Cubic Limit represents the first time I used a fixed structure as a system on which to apply rules for composition and create graphic constructs.
In this case the system is the 12 lines of the 3-D cube used as an alphabet. All my subsequent work uses the fixed structure of the cube
and hypercube (4-D cube and above) in different aspects to create a system on which I apply rules and generate graphics objects.
These programs were developed from earlier programs, for example from "Sphereless", P128 (1972) where I generated signs from a less complex fixed structure, the square, using it's 4 sides and it's 2 diagonals as the alphabet.
See also, Drawings, 1970-1973, directly related to Cubic Limit I (early cube drawings, 4 lines of squares as alphabet, 3 lines of triangles as alphabet, early algorithms which add and subtract lines).
- The following works (1973-1975) from this workphase were first published in the catalog:
Manfred Mohr, "Cubic Limit", Galerie Weiller, Paris, May 1975 (catalog and shows)
See review of this show by Conil Lacoste in Le Monde, July 3, 1975
- The art pieces (1976-1977), using similar algorithms, were published in the first part of the catalog:
Manfred Mohr, "Dessins Génératifs - Cubic Limit II", Galerie Weiller, Paris, October 1977 (catalog and shows)
P-155 (1974)
concentration of lines of cube at bottom, with slow rotation |
P-159 (1974)
concentration of lines of cube in center, with slow rotation
P-176 (1975)
random distribution of lines of cube, lines extended to outer circle |
P-155c (1974)
random distribution of lines of cube
P-154 (1973)
pairs of complimentary drawings of lines of cube
P-161 (1975)
series of 13 drawings, all combinations of n lines at a time of lines of cube
P-164 (1975)
logical operations with lines of cube |
P-163 (1975)
series of 4 drawings, logical operations with lines of cube
P-186 (1976)
addition and summing of lines of cube |
P-181 (1976)
series of 3 drawings - addition, summing, and overplapping (in chosen areas) of lines of cube
P-211 (1977)
series of 7 drawings, rotation and extension of lines of cube |
P192 (1976)
2 series of 13 drawings each, transformation of one cube to another cube, line by line
early computer films (16mm) (1972-1975) |
computer etchings (1975)
Pascal Triangle (1974)
contents of 2 circles are summed to the circle above, going from 1 line to 12 lines of the cube
linear transformation from grid to two cubes (1975-1978)
P-156 (1974)
concentration of lines of cube in center, with slow rotation. taking form of circle |
P-210 (1976)
series of 2 drawings, rotation and extension of lines of cube |
Hybrid Sewing-Computer Drawings (1974) |
transformations of texts and images (1976) |
"[UN]expected: The Art of Chance"
KunstMuseum Stuttgart, Germany Sept. 24, 2016 - Feb. 19, 2017 |
"Manfred Mohr: From Rhythm to Algorithm", Museum Pforzheim Galerie
Pforzheim, Germany April 4 - July 2 2017

Installation view "Cubic Limit" 16mm film 1973-74, Carroll / Fletcher Gallery, London 2012