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Manfred Mohr: Themes / Ideas

Edges of Geometric Objects used as an Alphabet 1970 - 1976

I used the edges of squares, triangles, and cubes as an alphabet in a number of different ways.
This webpage brings together some of the geometric objects (and other pre-cursors) of my
Cubic Limit artworks where I used the edges of the geometric objects as an alphabet, as well as
works from Cubic Limit I & II where I used the 12 edges of the cube as an alphabet.

This webpage is only partially finished....

click on images below for associated webpages and details

Pre-cursors of Cubic Limit - Edges of Squares and Triangles used as an Alphabet and other pre-cursors 1970 - 1973

Edges of Squares and Triangles as an Alphabet

P-128, Sphereless 1972
P-105, Squares 1972
P-147, Triangles 1973

The 4 edges of a square + the 2 diagonals are used as an alphabet

The 4 edges of a square are used as an alphabet

The 3 edges of a triangle are used as an alphabet

P-128 is published in the catalog: "Manfred Mohr, Drawings Dessins Zeichnungen Dibujos", Galerie Weiller, Paris and Galerie Gilles Gheerbrant, Montreal, 1974

Other pre-cursor drawings related to Cubic Limit I

P-26, Inversion Logique, 1970

Adding and subtracting edges to create a structure. In Cubic Limit I many of the algorithms add and subtract edges of a fixed structure, the cube.
P-80, Cube Drawing, 1971
P-80 test, Cube Drawing, 1971

Early cube drawings. Random points along 4 sides of a cube are linearly transformed to their respective base straight edges.

P-26 is published in the catalog: "Manfred Mohr, Computer Graphics, Une esthétique programée", ARC - Musée d'Art Moderne, Paris, 1971
P-80 test is published in the catalog: "Buchleiter/Mohr/Murle/Treiber", Kunstverein Pforzheim 1972

Early works from Cubic Limit I, 1973

P-154, 1973

The 12 edges of the cube are used as an alphabet. The two drawings have a complimentary number of edges for each cube. This is a study for the experimental computer generated films "Cubic Limit" and "Complimentary Cubes".

P-154 is published in the catalog: "Manfred Mohr, "Cubic Limit", Galerie Weiller, Paris, 1975"

"Cubic Limit" and "Complemetaty Cubes" are 2 computer generated algorithmic films, 1973 - 1974

Some images from film "Cubic Limit" showing edges n at a time, 1973-1974. Some sequences of this film were created in 1973. Some images from film "Complimentary Cubes" showing 2 cubes, one with n edges, the other its complimentary cube with 12 - n edges, 1973-1974. Some sequences of this film were created in 1973.

Images from these films are published in the catalog: "Manfred Mohr, "Cubic Limit", Galerie Weiller, Paris, 1975"

Experimenting with computer generated films

Other works from Cubic Limit I, 1974 - 1975

To be continued ....

In the meantime, these works can be seen on this website here

These works are published in the catalog: "Manfred Mohr, "Cubic Limit", Galerie Weiller, Paris, 1975"

Works from Cubic Limit II which use the 12 edges of the cube as an alphabet, 1975 - 1976

To be continued ....

In the meantime, these works can be seen on this website here.

These works are published in the catalog: "Manfred Mohr, "Dessins Génératifs - Cubic Limit II", Galerie Weiller, Paris, October 1977

© 2018 by Manfred Mohr